The promise of Spring

Last autumn I strew California poppy seeds around the native patches in our yard.
After the atmospheric rains this is the result, lush foliage preparing to bloom within a few months.
Some of the new growth is from other California plants that reseeded themselves.

This is another patch of new California poppy growth.
To the upper left of the photo you can see the lavender colored buds of a young Verbena De La Mina shrub.
I planted the shrub as a seedling last autumn.
If all goes well, we'll have fantastic spring bloom within a few months.
Think of all the bees that will visit.

It's the first Bird's Eye Gilia blossom of the season.
Hopefully we'll see many more of these beautiful delicate blossoms on the many gilia that reseeded themselves in the patch. The blue pollen is a favorite of many bees that visit the garden.
The leaves surrounding the gilia are part of a Blue Skylark ceanothus shrub that I planted early last autumn.