Some pollinator and native plant observations in our garden
While some of our native plants go dormant, there still is a lot of nectar and pollen to be had from other natives. Here, an Annas...

Summer Long-horned male bees asleep
We have had a lot of Summer Long-horned bee activity in the garden for almost two months, now. They especially seem to love the Seacliff...

The Summer Long-horned bees are here!
So excited to spot Summer Long-horned bees on one of our Seaside Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum staechadifolium shrubs! Like clockwork,...

Summer Long-horned bees still here!
I don't remember seeing Long-Horned bees visiting our current and previous gardens so late in the season. Usually they are gone by the...

Little Sleepyheads
Since I hadn't seen Summer Long-horned males sleeping in the garden for several days, I was feeling rather sad, thinking it was the end...

Encore Sleeping Bees
When you least expect it, there's always a surprise in the garden. I had never seen a Yellow-faced Bumble bee sleeping on Godetia...

More sleeping bees
Last week, during my morning stroll around the native plants, I saw no Long-horned bees on the California nude buckwheat. How strange, I...

More sleeping bees
Every morning and evening I walk around our backyard, along the California native plant area, looking for sleeping bees. There are mostly...

Sleeping in the garden
Because I'm so thrilled that our garden has become a Bed & Breakfast for Summer Long-horned male bees, every evening and morning for the...