And now they are chrysalides
So far, we have discovered two monarch chrysalides around the patio. This one attached itself to the bottom lip of a large flower pot....

Monarchs need more than milkweed
Remember, monarchs need more than milkweed! Milkweed is the only host plant for monarch butterflies. Adult monarchs must consume nectar...

How to prevent birds from flying into your windows
An excellent illustration on how to help our feathered friends. Here is more information from the Humane Society of the United States...

Create a pollinator habitat in your own yard
Getty Images Here is a great article about sustainable landscaping https://theweek.com/feature/briefing/1015382/sustainable-landscapinghe...

Summer Long-Horned bee hotel
I have been checking every evening at sunset the Pozo Blue sage to see how many Summer Long-Horned male bees are sleeping on the dried...

Moths are bird food
There are far more moths than butterflies, and there is a lot of moth activity at night in your garden. Here is a great article from the...

Butterfly weather and California Buckwheat
If you stand very still in your garden, even if for five minutes, you can observe so much garden activity that you could otherwise miss....

Summer Long Horned Bees sleeping
Late morning yesterday I discovered these two male Summer Long Horned bees sleeping on a dried flowerhead of one of the Pozo Blue sage...