Summer Long-horned male bees asleep

We have had a lot of Summer Long-horned bee activity in the garden for almost two months, now.
They especially seem to love the Seacliff Woolly Sunflower and Gumplant blossoms.

Knowing that they sleep on stems or flowers, near their food sources, I was determined to find their sleeping spot.
Ever since they first appeared in the garden in June, I checked every native plant in the garden, especially the nude buckwheat that was their spot last year. They just were no where to be found.

I even checked non-native plants, such as different varieties of cosmos that we have growing in pots.
With no results, I figured that I'd never find their spot.

Then, a few days ago I observed two Ivory-banded digger bees sipping nectar from blossoms on the large Hot Lips Salvia shrub. From the corner of my eye I noticed some other motion on the shrub.
Lo and behold! There they were, asleep on several vertical stems of the shrub.
Twenty-four Summer Long-horned male bees asleep on the Hot Lips Salvia shrub!

I had been walking past these sleeping bees several times a day, every single day!
This shrub is right next to a large Seaside Woolly Sunflower, so handy for dinner and breakfast.