Sunset like a glorious watercolor painting
Oh, these winter sunsets! This is like a giant wash of watercolor. It almost looks like a kind of Aurora Borealis, doesn't it?

Winter visitors
They are all out there in the garden. I hear them in the trees and shrubs, foraging in the garden, or in the bird bath. But when it comes...

A Ruby-crowned kinglet
Several Ruby-crowned kinglets are back for their annual visit. These birds are common in forests throughout Canada and the northwestern...

Jupiter and Saturn
I don't have a telescope to work with, so this is the best shot I have of the current Jupiter and Saturn conjunction. What matters most,...

White-crowned sparrows finding treasures in the rain
During a day of steady, soft rainfall, birds were out and about foraging in the nature patch of the garden. I observed twelve...

Lovely raindrops
This weekend we were blessed with soft, steady rain showers. And all the plants looked refreshed, having waited for a month for rain....

Fascinating article about Golden-Crowned and other Sparrows
UC Santa Cruz scientist observations about the golden-crowned sparrow are reported in the Fall issue of the Bay Nature magazine....

Another stunning sunset
Wow! I almost missed this one yesterday evening. Five minutes after I took this sunset photo from our front door, the sky was mostly...