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The Summer Long-horned bees are here!

So excited to spot Summer Long-horned bees on one of our Seaside Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum staechadifolium shrubs!

Like clockwork, when these shrubs start to bloom, the Summer Long-horned bees appear.

They are crazy about the blossoms on these shrubs.

So much so that they constantly battle over the flower heads. I don't quite understand, since there are a lot of blooms on the shrub, but there the bees are, bopping each other on the head, karate kicks happening.

This isn't a sharp photo, but between the wind and constant action, I'm glad to get this action shot.

Here is a female Summer Long-horned bee on the same shrub.

Look at those pollen baskets!


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bees in the bay breeze

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