Some pollinator and native plant observations in our garden
While some of our native plants go dormant, there still is a lot of nectar and pollen to be had from other natives. Here, an Annas...

August Colors in the Garden
It's been a while since I last posted, almost exactly a month! Mainly due to ongoing issues with my computer. Since it keeps...

Sleeping bees
Late spring and early summer is when so much happens in the garden. After a heatwave week, our high temperatures are now around 70, at...

Mylitta Crescent balancing
Our field is teeming with pollinator activity. Watching the little butterflies is always fun. Here, a Mylitta Crescent landed on the top...

Happy Pollinator Week!
Yes, EVERY WEEK should be Pollinator week to honor those hard working creatures that are so crucial to the our well-being, as well for...

The California natives are flourishing
It's that time of the year when all of the natives awaken from their dormant slumber. Surprises happen too. For example, when I planted...

The Summer Long-horned bees are here!
So excited to spot Summer Long-horned bees on one of our Seaside Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum staechadifolium shrubs! Like clockwork,...

Busy Ivory-banded Digger Bees
It's so hard to photograph digger bees because they dart around so quickly, hardly landing anywhere for more than a nano-second. It was a...

Happy World Bee Day!
Hello there, Wool Carder male bee! There were three males constantly circling around the native Purple Sage plant. They are very...