Don't cut down those dead stems of native plants!
The Hummingbird Hill Native Plant Nursery took these photos with a macro lens to show how important it is to leave native plants standing...

Nuttall Woodpecker female in the Redwood Tree
Yesterday morning while I was clearing English ivy from our fence I heard a gently tapping. This happened when I was putting the cut...

Native buckwheat still blooming and lovely
The native buckwheat plants are simply the best to grow in our hardpan California clay soil. The very lovely red buckwheat Eriogonum...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee and the California Poppy
On a windy afternoon, a Yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii, was determined to collect pollen from a California poppy. As the...

Bees enjoying the native patch
Bees visit the native patch in our garden all day. I'm so glad that I purchased these seedlings in August! The honey bee in the photo...

It's butterfly weather
While we feel uncomfortable with very warm or hot weather the butterflies are out in great numbers. In the above photo, a Gray Hairstreak...