The California Delta Sunflowers are in bloom
The California Delta sunflowers are now in bloom. Every year I plant seedlings that I buy from Annies Annuals https://www.anniesannuals.c...

Leafcutting Bee carrying a big Piece of Leaf
Leafcutting Bee female with the piece it cut from a leaf, resting on a yew hedge From the corner of my eye, I caught some movement in...

More buckwheat!!!
Yellow-faced bumble bee flying around Ella Nelson's Yellow Nude buckwheat With our ongoing drought conditions, I've come to the...

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly
Skippers and other little native butterflies like to lay their eggs on our Seacliff Eriogonum parvifolium and Ella Nelson's Yellow...

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees at work
We definitely seem to have a lot of Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees Bombus vosnesenskii in the garden. They are so cute. Here is a rear view of...

First sighting of a Summer Long-Horned Bee
So exciting! The Summer Long-Horned Bees are back! This Summer Long-horned Bee male Melissodes robustior was perched on top of a dried...

They're here!
Monarch caterpillar on a native Showy milkweed leaf Monarch butterfly mamas have been busy laying eggs on our potted native milkweed...

California Towhee fledgling visiting
Fledglings are always so cute to observe. You can tell they are not quite adults, not only from the partially still fluffy plumage, but...

Acmon Blue laying eggs on buckwheat plant
This afternoon I was very fortunate to witness an Acmon Blue Plebejus or Icaricia acmon laying eggs on two of our native buckwheat...

Monarch Butterfly laying Eggs on Milkweed
The potted native milkweed plants have awakened from their dormant period, some rising faster than the others. I'm trying to focus more...