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August Colors in the Garden

It's been a while since I last posted, almost exactly a month!

Mainly due to ongoing issues with my computer. Since it keeps disconnecting from the internet, it's just about impossible for me to post.

But today seems like a good day for this.

The garden now has the typical native California late summer look in textures and colors.

Above are California poppies, Ella Nelson's Yellow buckwheat, Seaside Woolly sunflower and two kinds of nude buckwheat.

From left to right:

Coyote bush, Gumweed (the yellow flowers), Seacliff buckwheat, California sagebrush, stalks of the Soap plant, nude buckwheat, and Island mallow.

Red buckwheat, Pozo Blue salvia, California poppy and Giant buckwheat

Red buckwheat

Pozo Blue salvia, Coyote bush, Gumweed, another Coyote bush, Seacliff buckwheat


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