Ivory banded digger bee
At last I was able to take a photo of a bee gathering pollen from the native Woolly Blue Curls Trichostema lanatum growing in our native...

Native wildflowers springing up in the garden
What a delight it is to discover native wildflowers in different parts of the front yard! Late last autumn I sprinkled native wildflower...

Turn out the lights for bird migration! Happening now.
Click on this link on Birdcast to follow bird migration currently happening in North America. These real-time analysis maps show...

Happy Earth Day!
Today is the first time I observed a Wool Carder bee visiting the plants around the patio. After some hours of welcome rain in the early...

First Mining Bee sighting of the year
Ever since the delightful Birds Eye aka Tricolored Gilia began to pop up in the native garden, I've been waiting for the mining bee...

Cedar Waxwings are back
Just when I was afraid that the cedar waxwings weren't returning this year, they reassured me with their presence. With the sound like a...

How to help North American Birds
North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways to help them: https://www.npr.org/2022/04/13/1092678564/north-american-birds-...

Ivory Banded Digger Bees visiting patio plants
Now that the Blue Bush Lupine is blooming, bees visit it all day. It is an excellent nectar source for hummingbirds and bees. Here, the...

Turn your yard into an ecological oasis
Photo by Toni Genberg A great article by Tyler Wells Lynch https://www.yesmagazine.org/environment/2020/02/07/yard-sustainability-native-...

Oh my, there must already be eggs in the nest!
Well, that didn't take long. I took this photo a couple of days, just a day or two after I took the photos in the previous post of the...