The butterflies are arriving

Now that Spring bloom is beginning and the garden is lush after all that winter and early spring rain, the butterflies are back. It's always such a joy to see them flitting around, basking in the warm sunshine, and sipping on nectar.
Above is a Common Checkered skipper sipping from a flowerhead on one of the Verbena de la Mina shrubs.

A Field Crescent perched on a dried flower stalk of a California Gumplant.
I left the dry stalks from last autumn on all of our California natives.

A Gulf Fritillary sipping on nectar from a blossom on our Hot Lips Sage shrub.

You can see why the Verbena de la Mina is one of my very favorite shrubs.
It's a big hit with bees and butterflies, blooms throughout the year, and needs zero maintenance.
Here, an Anise swallowtail sips the nectar.
I did see other butterfly visitors in the garden today, including a Monarch, a Pipevine swallowtail, Common hairstreak, Painted lady, Gulf fritillary and a Red Admiral. However, they were flying through, not landing on anything. So no photos of them, yet.