Some pollinator and native plant observations in our garden
While some of our native plants go dormant, there still is a lot of nectar and pollen to be had from other natives. Here, an Annas...

Summer Long-horned male bees asleep
We have had a lot of Summer Long-horned bee activity in the garden for almost two months, now. They especially seem to love the Seacliff...

Sleeping bees
Late spring and early summer is when so much happens in the garden. After a heatwave week, our high temperatures are now around 70, at...

Mylitta Crescent balancing
Our field is teeming with pollinator activity. Watching the little butterflies is always fun. Here, a Mylitta Crescent landed on the top...

Happy Pollinator Week!
Yes, EVERY WEEK should be Pollinator week to honor those hard working creatures that are so crucial to the our well-being, as well for...

The Summer Long-horned bees are here!
So excited to spot Summer Long-horned bees on one of our Seaside Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum staechadifolium shrubs! Like clockwork,...

Busy Ivory-banded Digger Bees
It's so hard to photograph digger bees because they dart around so quickly, hardly landing anywhere for more than a nano-second. It was a...

Happy World Bee Day!
Hello there, Wool Carder male bee! There were three males constantly circling around the native Purple Sage plant. They are very...

Yay! Wool Carder Bees are here
If you ever want to see Wool Carder bees Anthidium in action, plant Lambs Ears Stachys. I used to enjoy observing these industrious bees...

The butterflies are arriving
Hooray! Now that Spring bloom is beginning and the garden is lush after all that winter and early spring rain, the butterflies are back....