The decline of insect populations
Illustration by Catherine Tai Why? And why is this so critical? What is happening with the ecosystem? Read about what is happening to our...

Happy Earth Day!
Today was business as usual in the back field. So much work to do, making room for more native plants. And since the temperatures are...

The bees are back
Currently, as we don't have rainy days, as I work in the back field, I'm seeing the return of bees and butterflies. It's always such a...

Remember, it starts in your yard
Find your native plant society here https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/societies-clubs-organizations/native-plant-societies/ In...

Don't get too enthusiastic with Spring cleanup
An important reminder from the birds - leave dried twigs and vines in the garden for nesting material. Now that that the winter and...

Plant native for native bees
Yes, plant it and they will come! Find your native plant society here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/managing-land/wildflowers/links

Lovely blooms in the rain
Yes, it's raining again, and the raindrops are decorating the blossoming plants around the garden. I planted a native Baby Blue Eyes...

Great book about Slow Birding
I just finished reading this fascinating book by Joan E. Strassmann. There is always so much more to learn about birds we see every day...