Loving the Garden
It is so relaxing to just sit in a comfy chair in the garden, next to the California native area. Not only are the plants beautiful, but...

Painted Lady Caterpillars!
We are starting to see Painted Lady Vanessa cardui caterpillars in our garden. This is the first time we planted mallow shrubs, including...

Moths are Pollinators, too
Don't forget that moths are pollinators, too! It's so important to turn off all unnecessary exterior nighttime lights because the light...

Butterfly weather
Here in the Bay Area we have, so far, been spared extreme weather conditions this summer. Now that the temperatures are slowly rising,...

Sleeping in the garden
Because I'm so thrilled that our garden has become a Bed & Breakfast for Summer Long-horned male bees, every evening and morning for the...

Will you help baby birds?
Insect food is required by nearly 100% of baby birds to survive. Moth caterpillars are a key food. Plant keystone native plants and just...

Bee Bed & Breakfast
One of the biggest compliments a gardener can get - bees sleeping in the garden. Last year was the first time we observed Summer...

Hot spots in the garden
Oh my! We have never had so many Summer Long-horned bees visit any of our previous gardens, as we do now. There are some native plants...

In honor of Pollinator Week, some of our pollinator visitors
So happy to see pollinators enjoying the native habitat we created for them! Top photo is of a Leaf Cutting Bee on a flowerhead of the...

Happy National Pollinator Week!
Even if you don't have a garden, you can plant for pollinators in containers on your porch, balcony, deck, patio, etc. Here is some great...