More sleeping bees

Last week, during my morning stroll around the native plants, I saw no Long-horned bees on the California nude buckwheat. How strange, I thought. Why would they leave their favorite stem? Maybe because the buds were now in bloom? Since the buckwheat has been in full bloom, the Yellow-faced Bumble bees, who are the first to wake up and visit their pollen and nectar sources, could be disturbing the sleeping Long- horned males.
In the meantime, other natives have started to bloom, including the Coastal Gumplant Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla and Hairy Gumplant Grindelia hirsutula. The bees and butterflies are going crazy on the gumplants. So guess where their new bed & breakfast is?

When I spotted them sleeping on the Gumplant flowers, I said "Aha! There you are!"
These photos were taken in the evening.
It's hard to get everything in focus in the evening shots because of the crazy marine breezes we get here.