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Encore Sleeping Bees

When you least expect it, there's always a surprise in the garden.

I had never seen a Yellow-faced Bumble bee sleeping on Godetia blossoms.

And here is one grabbing onto of the blossoms.

There are no longer as many Summer Long-horned male bees as we have been seeing for the past month.

Their peak flight season here is from late June through August, so I assume we soon won't see these cute little bees for a year. But maybe there is a second generation that will hang around through early September.

The male bee in the photo above is sleeping in a Coast gumplant.

As our sunflowers are starting to bloom, the Summer Long-horned bees are using them as the latest Bed & Breakfast lodgings. The two males above are sleeping on one of the sunflowers.

Cosmos flowers have also been the Summer Long-horned males latest favorite beds.

In this photo, one of them is sleeping at the top of a Cosmos petal.

Here is a group of Summer Long-horned males asleep on a Cosmos.

While sometimes you can see them huddled together, these seem to like to have more space around them.


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