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The weekend! time to support your local Farmers' Market!

assorted beans at our local Saturday Farmers' Market

I regularly buy my produce on Saturdays at our local Farmers' Market. As I stroll around I plan my menus for the upcoming week according to what is in season. It's always such a positive experience. I like to listen to the banter between farmers and shoppers and taste the samples. Usually there is live music to add to the atmosphere, performed by duos, trios and small bands.

But most important is that while you are supporting your local farmers, you also know exactly where your food is coming from.

Right now there still are a lot of sweet peppers in season, squash and beans. Oh, and plums and pears.


an abundance of sweet peppers!

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bees in the bay breeze

For years I have been sharing ideas, gardening tips and recipes  with family, friends and colleagues.

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