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birds on the wire, waiting...

Rain was in the forecast for this weekend, and we were all happily anticipating it. There was a lot of cloud action going on, sometimes they looked like they were slowing gathering together. And there were some very ominous-looking ones as well, looking heavy with very dark gray bottom edges.

But alas, it was not to be.

Even the birds seem to be expecting a weather change, like the two mourning doves in the photo above, sitting on the wire and waiting.

A few minutes before I took the photo, the sky was very blue, and then there was a dramatic change in light, turning everything grayish.

Hopefully it will rain again soon!

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bees in the bay breeze

For years I have been sharing ideas, gardening tips and recipes  with family, friends and colleagues.

And now I'd like to share them with you!

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