More self-seeded seedlings to transplant

Tree mallow (lavatera maritima) seedling growing through concrete
And here was another surprise from the past weekend. A lavatera seedling growing through concrete! The huge tree lavatera is way on the other side of the garden, yet there were eight seedlings growing right next to the driveway, a couple of them literally growing through the concrete. The one pictured above is at least 5 inches tall! I was able to dig out five of the seedlings to transplant, but the ones growing through concrete are impossible to extract in one piece with the roots.
But here we have proof that these plants are drought tolerant indeed!

Another young lavatera plant growing along the driveway
I also discovered the young lavatera plant in the above photo growing along the driveway. It was almost hidden between the salvia hedge and penstemon leaves. Now this plant was already almost 2 feet tall! I tried to dig it out with the roots, but unfortunately was unsuccessful, so it ended up in the green debris bin.
So why am I removing and transplanting the lavatera seedlings?
Well, look how big the mother plant is in the photo below.

This lavatera maritima tree is huge, about 10 feet tall, and just as wide.
It's a wonderful Mediterranean drought tolerant plant, which requires almost no watering ever, and provides food and shelter for bees, birds and butterflies.
It does require pruning in the winter, otherwise it can grow completely out of control.
So now the seedlings I removed from the driveway are growing in small plastic flower pots until I find new homes for them.