Blueberries are ripening with the aid of a plant nanny!

Here is one of the first ripe Sunshine blueberries on our bush!
We were worried for a while last month since we're really cutting back on the plant watering.
We thought the berries wouldn't ripen!
But we do try to give the plant enough water using a "plant nanny" and it is doing fine.
The "plant nanny" is an excellent invention!
It's the best way to water your plant slowly and effectively, using less water, too. You simply water the soil at the base of your plant and insert the terra cotta stake in the soil close to the plant's root system. Then fill an empty water bottle (up to 1 liter capacity) with water and attach the green adapter that has a washer in it to the top of your bottle and insert the bottle into the terra cotta stake.
The water will slowly seep through the terra cotta stake into the soil to the plant roots, and you can easily monitor the water intake.
You'll have a healthier plant and use less water.
It's a reasonable price, too, $4.95, and you just recycle your glass or plastic bottles.
I bought several of these at East Bay Nursery.
You can also order them online from