Little wonders

Sapphire salvia resurrecting
A little tragedy happened in the backyard - the mammoth sunflower has been destroyed!
At some time the other day, some critter apparently jumped on the flower head and broke it off. I came home to a stalk of leaves and no flower. We suspect that a squirrel jumped on the flower from the nearby fence.
The flower head was lying on the ground next to the container pot.
It was very sad, especially since I had just fertilized the plant the previous evening.
A short life for a special sunflower.
But look what is sprouting leaves on the table behind the sunflower container pot - the surviving Sapphire salvia that we purchased last year from East Bay Nursery.
The plant had dried up but I have been giving it a little water now and then.
Now look at it!
In a few months it should have spires of flowers to provide nectar for the pollinators.
This is proof that you shouldn't be too hasty about tossing out dried up plants!