Keep those nectar feeders clean and full

During the dry and warm summer months hummingbirds will frequent your nectar feeders more often. Now that a lot of those lovely spring flowers are drying up, we are cooking more nectar again.
The recipe: 1 part white cane sugar to 4 parts water. Pour the ingredients in a small pot and stir together until the sugar is dissolved. Heat the mixture to boiling, stirring the whole time. Let the mixture boil for about a minute. Remove the pot from the heat and let cool. When the mixture/nectar is completely cool it is ready to be poured into your clean nectar feeder.
If you need to clean the feeder, mix together 1/4 cup vinegar ( I use apple cider vinegar) and 4 parts water. Stir well to combine or put in a jar with a cover and shake well. Pour into the feeder, and then wipe well with a clean paper towel or cloth. Rinse out the feeder a few times until you don't smell the vinegar. Wipe clean with a paper towel or clean cloth.

Anna's hummingbird drinking fresh nectar.