Moving on to develop another habitat

In a few weeks we will be living in another house.
I am sad to leave the place that has been my home for the past 18 years, but it is time for a change.
We will still be living in the same part of the Bay Area, but higher in the hills.
It will be a new challenge.
The same flora and fauna, so it's great.
I have already seen there a lot of bees, some hummingbirds, sparrows, a scrub jay, American crows and heard a mockingbird.
Look at these wonderful planters by the back patio, just waiting to be filled with plants!
We'll be taking our 30 + plants growing in pots in our current backyard.
I can't wait to get out there and work in the garden...
So as we undertake the onerous task of packing, I won't be posting much for the next few weeks.
But keep checking!