Honey bee and the borage plant

I have always wondered how often plants produce nectar, especially plants that are constantly visited by bees.
Take borage plants for example.
I see bees, especially honey bees, on these plants all day.
And I often wondered how could there be enough nectar for all of these bees.
Borage is believed to have originated in Syria and now grows everywhere, especially in parts of North America. It is often grown as soil fertilization in organic farming, and is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The flowers are edible and have a refreshing, cucumber taste.
The blossoms produce nectar every two minutes!
When it is raining the flower heads hang down to protect the nectar from being diluted.

Honey bees and bumble bees sip the nectar and cover themselves in ivory or bluish gray pollen.

I'm looking forward to seeing more borage plants in the garden as they establish themselves and and self-seed! Then we'll have even more bees visiting.