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How to attract hundreds of pollinators to your garden

After developing a mostly native plant garden in our current home, I now know which are the prime plants that will attract local pollinators and feed them at least through the fall.

The California Delta Sunflower plant in the image above is an amazing magnet for bees and butterflies. I knew that this sunflower can grow to six feet tall and wide, but I didn't expect it to be so full of flowers.

This robust plant grew from a seedling, suddenly shooting up in height in June.

And look at all those flowers!

By inputting data on my account with the Great Sunflower Project

I calculated that on average this plant attracts and feeds 130 pollinators per hour.

Sometimes as many as 300 pollinators per hour feed on these flowers.

It's so simple.

Use organic potting soil to plant your seedlings, feed the soil with organic fertilizer, and of course only buy your seedlings from trusted nurseries that don't sell plants treated with neonicotinoids.

Sunflowers don't require much water.

They are such a cheerful sight, especially now when a lot of the plants are no longer in bloom, especially the lovely annual plants.

And the bees and butterflies are loving this mother lode of nectar and pollen.

Next year I plan to plant not one but three of these lovely California Delta Sunflowers.

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