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Anna's hummingbird feasting on nectar in the front yard

An Anna's hummingbird had a nectar feast on these plants that are growing on one side of the front yard, all in a row.

In the top photo the hummingbird is approaching the "Forever Summer Melon" Agastache shrub Agastache mexicana. If you cut a stalk from the plant, which I did when I cut two dried stalks, there is a very strong scent of mint.

Here the hummingbird is hovering over a "Wayne's Silver" California Fuchsia Zauschneria septentrionalis, with Lambs Ears in the foreground. This native fuchsia grows to 1 foot high, and up to 3 feet wide. The foliage is a little dry now, but as you can see, the blossoms are a bright crimson red.

And here the hummingbird is sipping nectar from a blossom on the Parry's Penstemon Penstemon parryi . The main bloom season for this plant is from February through April, but somehow we still have some stalks blooming this late in the season.

I can't wait for this plant to really grow after the winter rains.

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