New blooms in front yard

Since the shasta daisies apparently don't like a lot of heat, I pulled out their dried remains last Friday from the plant bed next to our driveway. Then I mixed grape seed compost into the soil of the bed, to enrich it before planting new native plant seedlings I purchased from Annies Annuals a few weekends ago.
The blooming plant above is a Desert Canterbury Bells Phacelia campanularia.
It is a species of flowering plant of the borage family, and a California native.
It will grow to a little over 2 feet in maximum height, and about the same in width.
I combined two of the Desert Canterbury Bells plants with a corn cockle Agrostemma githago 'Ocean Pearls' plant and a Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila menziesii plant in the flower bed. Eventually I will toss in some Apricot Chiffon Eschscholzia californica'Apricot Chiffon' seeds that I dried and saved from a poppy plant that blossomed this summer.
If all goes well, this should be a lovely group of native plants providing more food for the pollinators.
To the left, outside of the bed, out of camera range is the Verbena De La Mina plant Verbena lilacina plant.
It is surviving, but should grow taller, with more blossoms after the winter rains.