Late autumn moments

Well, it's already the first of November, the temperatures are cooler, and rain is in the forecast for this weekend.
After experiencing unseasonably warmer days, it's a relief to experience somewhat normal weather for this time of year. I savor these beautiful days of autumn when some plants are going dormant, while the winter bloomers are only starting to grow.
Monarch butterfly number 14, a female, was released early this afternoon, while the temperature was in the low 70's. It was sunny and perfect weather for her.
Monarch number 15, the last to turn into a chrysalis, is still quietly developing in a mesh hamper.
It is smaller than the others of the group, and was in a big hurry to morph into a chrysalis.
Hopefully it won't emerge until next week, when the predicted rains should have abated, because butterflies cannot fly in the rain, and the temperature should be warmer than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Otherwise we will need to feed it for a while, on watermelon or other melon.

The Red Tiger Abutilon plant is thriving in a shade (bright shade) area of one of the patio plant beds, and has produced its first blossom.
It is one of several plants in this plant bed that seem to be very happy right where they are, and start blooming this time of year, through the winter months.