The front yard after some rain showers

My, how different the front yard looks, compared to a year ago!
The yard originally was a lawn bordered by the neighbor's shrubs.
As you may remember from earlier blog posts, we worked hard in the rain, snow, and cold to dig out the grass from 1/4 of the lawn, and transplant a few plants we brought from our former home - penstemon, lavender and salvia.
Then we kept adding more and more seedlings that we purchased mostly from Annies Annuals
and the East Bay Nursery
After a few days of rain showers the plants look refreshed. The lawn that we didn't dig out and don't water, is starting to look green again.
The photo above is of part of the front yard we replanted.
The plants are, from front foreground, left to right: Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue', Lambs Ears Stachys byzantina, Tidy Tips Layia platyglossa, Erigeron divergens var. divergens"Navajo Fleabane", more Siskiyou Blue, Lambs Ears and Tidy Tips.
In the next area above these are: Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Sunburst’, Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita Bop', Nude Buckwheat Eriogonum nudum, Eriophyllum confertiflorum “Yellow Yarrow”, Salvia microphylla Berzerkeley,
Here is the same part of the yard in February, this year.