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Visitors in the backyard

While we do have many birds living in our neighborhood, and especially around our house, I haven't been able to take many photos of them. There is so much foliage around, redwood tree, other trees, shrubs, vines, which is the very reason why they are around. At the same time, these are great places for them to hide.

For example, I know there is a group of American Robins that spend most of their time in the neighbor's redwood tree. I know their songs and calls, and I can see them from a great distance. But they haven't been near enough for me to capture their images.

I was fortunate enough yesterday to take the photo above of an Oak Titmouse just before it flew off the dried blackberry vine. These native birds are very active, singing and have a harsh call. They mostly live on the dry slopes of California but can also be found in Oregon and southern California.

And here is a dark-eyed Bushtit sitting on a Meyer Lemon tree twig.

Bushtits here always move in flocks.

Often you can see a dozen of them fly into the same bush to feed on insects and spider, moving quickly and making soft cheeps and twitters.

They are tiny, plump and downy.

These birds mostly eat insects, such as ants, wasps, plant eating insects such as scale, and spiders. I am so grateful that they are around.

I love that they are eating

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