New plants

I just can't help myself when it comes to plants.
Somehow I feel you just can't have enough of them.
A few weekends ago we went back to Annies Annuals
where I purchased this Clematis "Avant Garde" vine.
It should produce very beautiful double petaled crimson and lavender blossoms.
The plant is bee-friendly, grows rapidly and is drought tolerant.
It is planted in a large pot next to one of our side gates, opposite the "Carolina Climbing Aster", which is also bee-friendly.

And I am trying, once again to grow a Delphinium cardinale"Scarlet Larkspur", in the front garden.
The one that I planted last year in the same area, did produce a 24 inch tall stalk with lovely red blossoms. But it eventually withered away and that was the end of it.
Let's see what happens with this plant.