Birds out in the rain

The Bay Area got soaked yesterday, which is just what we should have every winter.
During periods of lighter rain I looked outside for signs of birds.
Here is a Golden-crowned sparrow in one of the garden beds by the patio.
The photo was taken through a glass sliding door.

A California towhee sat high on a crabapple branch, chirping in the rain.
The little white vertical lines on the photo are rain drops.
Earlier in the day, when we were having light rainfall, I walked around the yard to check on the water collecting in watering cans and the rain barrel.
As I approached a Japanese eggplant growing in a large flower pot, I noticed a little, round bird hopping in the eggplant, apparently eating bugs under the leaves.
I had never before seen a bird like it.
It wasn't afraid of me, as I stood frozen in my tracks.
I looked up on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website what kind of bird it is, and it turns out to be a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
It looked exactly like this. Photo is from the website, taken by Greatblue1.

How exciting to have observed this sweet little bird for the first time!