More plants!

It's that time of year to plant...more plants!
I needed to replace a blue sapphire salvia in the front yard because it just wasn't doing well at all, no matter how much care I tried to give it.
We went to Annies Annuals to buy "a few" plants for a replacement for the salvia, as well as some annuals, and ended up with twenty four plants. Yes, you know how that happens, and it can especially happen at a nursery like Annies'.
Here is one of the purchases, a replacement salvia plant, the native Pozo Blue Salvia leucophylla x clevelandii a tough California natural hybrid, sometimes called the "Native Butterfly Bush". The lovely blue flowers provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds. AND it is tolerant of clay soil AND gopher-proof!
I can't wait for it to grow to the estimated height and width of four feet!

These Pacific Pea Lathyrus vestitus seedlings are also California natives.
They are long-blooming evergreens that produce violet-pink blossoms with a lovely scent.
Butterflies and birds are attracted to them, and they are the host plants to the silvery blue butterfly and the arrowhead blue butterfly.
Since we live on the coast, it will be interesting to see which butterflies will visit these sweet peas.