Superbloom in our garden

We've got superbloom going on in our garden now.
The poppies are growing tall and have such vibrant colors.
These California poppies are growing in a brick planter along with Cream Cups Platystemon californicus . Nearly every morning in March, I picked off voracious slugs from the soft leaves of the Cream Cups. I was afraid they would completely destroy the plants.
And as you can see the Cream Cups survived.
Fortunately, slugs aren't interested in poppies.

All of the poppies you see here self-seeded themselves.
And they are such a sight to behold, in front of the Yellow Coastal Bush lupines
Lupinus arboreus.
The only poppies I planted here are the California Alba poppies.
You can see a single one of these blooming, toward the bottom right.
In the brick planter against the wall are several Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila menziesii plants.
This is such an exciting time of year.
You just don't know what will be blooming next.