Butterflies hanging out

What a delightful surprise it always is to happen upon these lovely creatures, while working in the garden.
The Common Checkered Skipper Pyrgus communis above rested on the hedge, remaining in the same position, until the sun was out later that morning.

I was giving the front garden plants their weekly watering in the morning, when I saw some movement on a lambs ear leaf. Fortunately I wasn't watering right in this particular area, because this Common Buckeye Junonia coenia was sleeping on the leaf.
Because it was somewhat disturbed, it spread its wings for a while.
Then it closed its wings, crept a little further under the upper leaf, and went back to sleep.

The California hairstreak Satyrium californica walked all over this butterfly bush flower spike, sipping nectar from the remaining blossoms.
One of the host plants for the larva of these butterflies is Ceanothus (California lilac). I like to think that our Ray Hartman Ceanothus in the front yard is host to the hairstreaks I often see around the garden.