The natives are starting to bloom

Throughout the year there are always wonderful surprises awaiting in our garden.
After winter rains (hopefully there will be spring showers as well) some of the native plants are slowing but surely producing blossoms.
The bright yellow Siskiyou Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou' blossom is almost hidden by California poppy foliage. The Siskiyou Woolly Sunflower is a host plant for painted lady butterflies.

One of the first blossom heads on the Verbena De La Mina Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' - Cedros Island Verbena shrub.
This is considered a great nectar source for butterflies and bees.
It definitely is a favorite of ivory digger bees.

And of course, our Ray Hartman ceanothus shrub is full of buds and blooms.
It is such an easy plant to grow because it doesn't want any fertilizer or soil amendment of any kind, no summer water and no drip irrigation.
It is a fast grower and provides nectar and pollen for bees and butterflies.
The Ray Hartman ceanothus is host plant for butterflies such as the Echo Blue, Pipevine Swallowtail, Hedgerow Hairstreak and Brown Elfin.