Woolly Angelica and Island Alum Root blooming

Early Spring brings such unexpected surprises in the garden.
The Woolly Angelica Angelica tomentosa plant in one of our plant beds, for example.
I planted the seedling two years ago, and it seemed like a promising start.
But the plant seemed to just barely survive. The two stalks of leaves, which were both a few inches long, dried up. Then the plant seemed to just disappear.
And now, after two years, there are three stalks of leaves and they are taller, at least twice as long. I really hope that this California native starts to thrive, because it is a host plant for the anise swallowtail butterfly larva.

In the same plant bed, near the Woolly Angelica, the Island Alum Root Heuchera maxima is native to the four northern Channel Islands of California.
It seems to be very happy in this location, which is in bright shade. The plant is spreading, but hopefully won't crowd out its neighbors, the Woolly Angelica, a tall abutilon, and a small rosebush.

The Alum Root produces lovely little blossoms that attract hummingbirds and bees.

The blossoms are pink and cream colored.