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Black Phoebe after its bath

So happy to finally capture images this lovely bird!

The black phoebes Sayornis nigricans are daily visitors to the garden, and usually we spot them in the early evening as they perch on the cable wire to our house, or somewhere high on a branch, as they scan for insects to eat.

Their distinctive shrill chirps can be heard throughout the day, but I've had a hard time trying to take any decent photos of these black and white birds.

You can imagine my delight, when I observed this black phoebe bathing in the birdbath on our patio and then spending a while, at least five minutes, perched on a post that supports some plants in our upper garden bed.

I took these photos through our glass sliding door AND screen sliding door. Together the doors create additional filters for the photos.

In the top photo the black phoebe was standing tall, chirping.

A display of feathers and wings as the black phoebe preens itself.

Shaking off drops of water from the bath.


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