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Cedar Waxwings in the morning. Oh my!

It was mostly cloudy day with temperatures in the 60's.

In the morning I heard the distinct little chirps of Cedar waxwings, and looked out from the kitchen porch.

This is what I saw in a neighbor's toyon shrubbery, flocks of the waxwings feasting on the berries.

The birds eat one berry at a time, and then one of them gives the signal to fly off to a tall tree nearby. In this case the tree usually was the redwood growing on the other side of our house.

These waxwings seemed to have two leaders, because they fed in two groups of about 40 birds each.

And just as quickly as they flew off the toyon bush, they circled back within seconds for more berries.

Here is part of the flock flying off the toyon shrubs to circle back within seconds.

Now for another round of berries.


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