White-throated sparrow visiting for the winter

At one o'clock pm today there was some steady traffic at the bird bath.
We were surprised to see a variety of birds, all visiting at the same time.
Some were there to bathe, some to just take a few sips of water before moving on.
Among others, there was a golden-crowned sparrow, a white-crowned sparrow, then a spotted towhee, and last but definitely not least a white-throated sparrow.
Of these, the only one I was able to catch a photo of, was the white-throated sparrow.
For some reason, every winter there seems to be just one white-throated sparrow visiting, surrounded by white-crowned sparrows.
The white-throated sparrow can be observed in deciduous and coniferous forests throughout Canada, the US northern Midwest, and the northeastern US. Though they mostly breed in Canada, these birds migrate for the winter to California as well as to most of southern and eastern North America.
Every winter I look forward to spotting these distinguished looking birds in our garden.