
For some reason we have several kinds of dragonflies flying through the garden every day, as long as the sun is shining.
Apparently they like to be in a place where there is a water source, such as a pond or stream.
We have neither, and I'm not aware of any on our immediate neighbors' property.
There must be a lot of tiny flies around the garden, which would provide food for the dragonflies, making it worth their while to make this their home.
Currently in the garden there are several kinds that I am aware of, such as the Variegated Meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum, native to North America.

Variegated Meadowhawks are highly migratory and are usually seen in late autumn.
A male of the species is in the top photo, perched on a California poppy plant.
In the middle photo here, is a female of the species, on a red buckwheat flowerhead.
It almost looks like she is carrying a bouquet.

This is a California Darner female on dried sunflower leaf.
California Darners are considered the smallest Darners in California.
The males have blue eyes and have a more vibrant mosaic pattern on their body, with predominantly bright shades of blue.