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Leaf Cutting Bee and the Echinacea blossom

Last autumn was the first time I planted a coneflower seedling in a large container in our backyard.

The seedling grew a couple of inches then gradually dried up.

Since winter was approaching I hoped that the plant was simply going dormant.

The container appeared to have nothing but soil in it.

Then, a month ago the plant sprung to life, with a large stem growing taller and taller.

Behold the beautiful coneflower Echinacea 'Rainbow Marcella'.

The seeds of the coneflower, once it dries up later this year, will provide nutrition for visiting birds.

Here is a rear view of a leaf cutting bee Megachilidae Latreille approaching the coneflower.

The bee is collecting pollen that it will transport in the dense scopae on its abdomen underside.


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