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Plant Ceanothus and they will come

If you live in California, plant California lilacs Ceanothus.

They are very easy to grow, as long as they are planted in the right place.

I have been planting the ones we have: Ceanothus Ray Hartman, Blueblossom Skylark, Blue Star and Hearst Ranch Buckbrush in places where they get direct sun exposure for at least 6 hours daily.

They basically require no maintenance, and are loved by bees, butterflies and birds.

Today I took the photo above of a female Ivory Banded Digger Bee Anthophora california on the flowerhead of our blooming Blueblossom Ceanothus Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. This plant is growing in a large planter. Look at all that yellow pollen on the bee's scopa on its hind leg!

Here is a lovely hover fly nectaring on the same Ceanothus plant.


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