Pollinators visit between the Rivers of Rain

As you probably have heard or read in the news, California is getting a lot of rain, and a few days ago in our area of Northern California, we were pummeled by wind, rain, thunder, lightning and light hail. It's a wonder that the power didn't go out.
However, between those atmospheric rivers dousing us, we do have days of sunshine.
If the temperatures are at least 55°F, the insects are out and about.
In the photo above, a flower fly is sipping nectar from bok choi blossoms in our raised vegetable bed.

West Coast Lady butterflies love to rest on the woodchip walkways in our backyard, soaking in the warmth of the sun.

Hearing all the troubling news about the plummeting monarch population, it's such a relief to see them fluttering around our garden and through the neighborhood. This female was resting on a honeysuckle leaf in our backyard.

I was very surprised when this Variegated Meadowhawk dragonfly landed on a dried vine near me.
Never have I seen dragonflies out so early in the year. They have only visited in the late summer and early autumn months. Hmm...wonder what this is about.