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Poppies and other native plants waking up

California poppy plants are growing taller and lusher in the front yard.

The color of the poppies are so vibrant that they seem to glow in the sunshine.

Here is the first California poppy patch in the yard.

The photo was taken late morning as the poppies slowly opened up for the day.

Apparently Woolly Bluecurls Trichostema lanatum, another California native, is said to be difficult to keep alive after several years. I planted this one in our native patch three or four years ago, and it had been doing okay. But this year, perhaps because of several weeks of atmospheric rivers last December, the plant has grown taller and wider.

In nature, Woolly Bluecurls tend to have a short lifespan.

In gardens, one of the reasons why Woolly Bluecurls can be difficult to grow is because it doesn't tolerate much summer water. It can be very tempting to give the plant water more than once a month during the summer months because it sometimes looks dried out.

Woolly Bluecurls can grow up to 5 feet tall.

These lovely blossoms attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.

Hopefully the plant continues to thrive and grow for at least a few more years in the native patch, although it isn't growing in ideal soil conditions. Our soil is clay, while normally this plant grows in well-drained soil.


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