Satyr Anglewing visiting

This is a first for us.
A Satyr Anglewing Polygonia satyrus visited our backyard. I had never seen one before, let alone in our own backyard!
I happened to look out our back window while chatting on the phone, and noticed a bright orange butterfly fluttering, then landing on a frond of tree fern right in front of the window.
At first I thought it was a monarch or Gulf fritillary, but then I saw the interesting wings and markings.
Of course, I had to immediately excuse myself from the phone conversation, grab the camera and run out the sliding door to the patio.
Fortunately this lovely creature was still perched on the frond, absorbing the warmth of the midmorning sun.
The range of the Satyr Anglewing is from southern Canada to Mexico, from the Pacific Coast to the eastern Rockies.
They are generally found in wooded areas, near streams, lakes or marshes, where their host plants from the Urticaceae or nettle family also are located. They prefer rotting fruit and moist fungi to flowers.
These butterflies are called Anglewings for their wing shape, as Polygonia means many angles.
They are also called Commas for the small silver marking on their hind wing.
Satyr Anglewings have bright orange upper surfaces with dark brown to black markings.
The under surfaces are forest brown with darker brown pattern.
We don't live near a stream, lake or marsh, so this is a very exciting observation.