Big Pollinator Habitat Project

I haven't posted much within the past month because we moved to another house.
After the grueling move to another house (same street, but same amount of work), settling in and looking at the huge project for this autumn. We're still renting, and the landlord is happy that I'm taking on the challenge of the yard, especially the lower field. The photo shows just a part of the field.
As you can see there's nothing growing, just stubs of chopped down fennel, dried grass and dandelions. There are several pots of our tomato plants for now.
I'm planning a drought tolerant native plant, pollinator habitat. Already have 18 native plant seedlings including Coyote Bush, different kinds of buckwheat, Pearly Everlasting, California figwort but planning to buy more. Our neighbor on the other side of the fence is looking forward to helping dig up the field and adding in compost. One of our neighbors next door provided me with a slightly used wheelbarrow.
Looks like the neighbors are excited that the field will finally be developed into a native plant habitat.