A Ruby-crowned kinglet
Several Ruby-crowned kinglets are back for their annual visit. These birds are common in forests throughout Canada and the northwestern...

White-crowned sparrows finding treasures in the rain
During a day of steady, soft rainfall, birds were out and about foraging in the nature patch of the garden. I observed twelve...

Cute White-Crowned Sparrow
A beautiful white-crowned sparrow visited the bird bath to have a drink of water. I took these photos through a glass sliding door when I...

Busy Bath Time
The hermit thrush, who is looking at me in the photo above, was happily bathing and soaking in the bird bath. A golden-crowned sparrow...

Nuttall Woodpecker female in the Redwood Tree
Yesterday morning while I was clearing English ivy from our fence I heard a gently tapping. This happened when I was putting the cut...

Northern Mockingbird and the Black Jack Fig
We have a Black Jack Fig tree growing in a large container on our patio, next to the Meyer lemon tree. This variety of fig tree is a...

Birds in the Bath
The birdbath certainly is THE place to be, both for drinking and bathing. Although the bath isn't very large, the Western Scrub jays...