Sandhill Skipper on Lambs Ears
Another new sighting in our garden, a Sandhill Skipper Polites sabuleti. How cute it is! This butterfly was flying around the native...

Pipevine Swallowtail on the Verbena De La Mina
Wow, what luck! Today in the late afternoon I happened to look out the window at the front yard. I saw constant fluttering around the...

Pollinators are our secret weapon
Photo by Michelle D'urbano A great article in New Scientist, about the unappreciated, critical role pollinators play when it comes to...

Butterfly visitors
Oh butterflies, how we missed you! Here a Common Hairstreak Strymon melinus is checking the blossom of a ground cover plant next to the...

Non-Native Plants are Contributing to Global Insect Decline
Excellent article about the importance of native plants. Enzo Pérès-Labourdette /Yale E360 https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-non-native-...

A beautiful video of a monarch swarm in Mexico
Western Monarch Conservation
I recently attended a webinar presented by Kimberley Young, Xerces Ambassador for Education and Conservation, Xerces Society for...

Gulf Fritillary in the late autumn sun
Now that the days are much cooler here, there are few butterflies around. When the daytime temperatures hit the mid-60's at the warmest,...

Hangry Monarch Caterpillars
This article confirmed what I've observed about monarch caterpillars. I've seen and wondered about the head-butting when one of these...